Quantification of the countries relations

Relations between two countries in terms of informational indifference and concernment could be expressed by mutual country references in their international news. We introduce intercountry distance as a multiplicative inverse of the geometrical mean d = (p₁₂·p₂₁)⁻¹/², where p₁₂ is a part of international news of country 1 about country 2 and p₂₁ otherwise. Meaning of such distance is that nearly every dᵗʰ international news from these two countries are about each other.

Country relation is divided into 5 levels:
- disinterest (blue level), when two countries almost do not mention each other.
- standard interest (green level), normal interest around median.
- high interest (yellow level).
- exceptional events or political tension, diplomatic scandal, attack etc. (orange level).
- red level, we do not have examples with such the hottest events, assume that it's war.

Data source is ~20000 international news aggregated daily by Connexun from 2200 news sources originally from 200+ countries in 20+ languages. Daily update at 09:30 CET

Today something unusual is happening between following countries: